Workshop on groups, generalisations and applications
There will be a Workshop on Groups, Generalisations and Applications at the University of St Andrews on the afternoon of Thursday May 4, with talks by Ellen Henke, Murray Elder and Peter Cameron.
There will be a Workshop on Groups, Generalisations and Applications at the University of St Andrews on the afternoon of Thursday May 4, with talks by Ellen Henke, Murray Elder and Peter Cameron.
Madeleine Whybrow, a PhD student from Imperial College London, visited Markus Pfeiffer funded by CoDiMa to work on GAP code supporting her project on Majorana Algebras and the Monster sporadic simple group. She gave a…
The Third Scottish Combinatorics Meeting on 24-25th April 2017 will be held in St Andrews; this is the first time the meeting has been held here with the previous two in the series having taken place at the University…
Welcome to Julius Jonusas who has “joined” us as a Teaching Fellow, although he is by no means new to the School. Julius arrived in St Andrews as an undergraduate in 2009, took his BSc in Mathematics and Physics in…
Sophie Huczynska has been awarded a Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant on the topic of ‘Difference Families in Coding and Cryptography’. This will support a collaboration with Maura Paterson at Birkbeck,…
Reports from the Computational Mathematics with Jupyter workshop, organised jointly by the OpenDreamKit and CoDiMa projects at the ICMS in Edinburgh on 16-20th January, are now published on the Software Sustainability…
In October 2016 the CoDiMa project organised the Second CoDiMa training school in Discrete Computational Mathematics, hosted at the ICMS. You can find the report on this event here.
The Computation in Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory Workshop takes place in ICMS from 11th-15th July 2016.
The Scottish Combinatorics Meeting 2016 will take place at the University of Glasgow on 26th/27th April 2016.
CIRCA lunches should be resuming shortly. Details will be posted here.