55 articles found

CIRCA seminar August 1st

Peiran will give a seminar at 1pm on Thursday 1st August, in Theatre C of the Mathematical Insitute Title: Turning the classification of groups of order pq into Lean code Abstract: Lean is a programming language…

CIRCA seminar July 25th

Sofia Brenner (TU Darmstadt) will give a CIRCA seminar at 1pm on July 25th in Theatre C of the Mathematical Institute Title: From graphs to groups: Tuple regularity and k-ultrahomogeneity Abstract: Tuple regularity and…

CIRCA seminar April 11th

The last CIRCA seminar of the semester will be on April 11th. Ian Gent and Jiaping Lu wil speak. Jiaping’s title Generation of Iterated Wreath Products of Almost Simple Groups Ian’s title Dominances in Single Player…

CIRCA seminar March 28th

There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 28th March at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. David Stewart (University of Manchester) will speak. Title: You need 27 tickets to guarantee a win on the UK National Lottery (Jt with…

CIRCA seminar March 14th

There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 14th March at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. Peiran Wu and Yayi Zhu will speak. Peiran’s Title: Irredundant bases for classical groups Peiran’s Abstract: Given a classical group…

CIRCA seminar February 22nd

There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 22nd Feb at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. Chris Brown and Victoria Ironmonger will speak. Chris’s Title: Semi-Automatic Ladderisation: Improving Code Security through Rewriting…

CIRCA seminar February 8th

There will be a CIRCA lunchtime seminar on 8th Feb at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. Coen del Valle and Ruth Hoffmann will speak. Coen’s title: It’s not always bad to be greedy Coen’s abstract: A base for a group of…

CIRCA seminar January 25th

The first CIRCA seminar of the year is on January 25th in Theatre D of Maths at 1pm. Speaker: Carla Biermann Title: Sampling solutions to constraint satisfaction problems Abstract: State-of-the-art constraint…

CIRCA seminar 30th November

There will be a CIRCA seminar on November 30th, at 1pm on Theatre D of Maths. Peter Cameron and Richard Connor will speak. Peter’s title is “When is the commuting graph split or threshold?”. Abstract: The commuting…

CIRCA seminar 16th November

There will be a CIRCA seminar on 16th November, at 1pm in Theatre D of Maths. Mun See Chang will speak on “Enriching Transformations for Dependently Typed Languages”. Ursula Martin will speak on “The Social Machine of…