Publications on contributions to GAP
This is a list publications by CIRCA members, relevant to GAP development (i.e. describing or resulting in direct contributions to GAP system or GAP packages).
Since 2000:
Journal articles
- Araújo, J., Bünau, P. V., Mitchell, J. D., and Neunhöffer, M., Computing automorphisms of semigroups, J. Symbolic Comput., 45 (3) (2010), 373–392.
- Assmann, B. and Eick, B., Computing polycyclic presentations for polycyclic rational matrix groups, J. Symbolic Comput., 40 (6) (2005), 1269–1284.
- Assmann, B. and Eick, B., Testing polycyclicity of finitely generated rational matrix groups, Math. Comp., 76 (259) (2007), 1669–1682.
- Assmann, B. and Linton, S., Using the Mal\cprime cev correspondence for collection in polycyclic groups, J. Algebra, 316 (2) (2007), 828–848.
- HPC‐GAP: engineering a 21st‐century high‐performance computer algebra system. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 28 (2016), 3606–3636. doi: 10.1002/cpe.3746. , , , , , , , and ,
- Carlson, J. F., Neunhöffer, M., and Roney-Dougal, C. M., A polynomial-time reduction algorithm for groups of semilinear or subfield class, J. Algebra, 322 (3) (2009), 613–637.
- Dolinka, I., East, J., Evangelou, A., FitzGerald, D., Ham, N., Hyde, J., Loughlin, N., & Mitchell, J. D., Enumeration of idempotents in planar diagram monoids, Journal of Algebra, 522 (2019), 351-385.
- Donoven, C. R., Mitchell, J. D., & Wilson, W. A., Computing maximal subsemigroups of a finite semigroup. Journal of Algebra, 505 (2018), 559-596.
- de Graaf, W. A., Constructing representations of split semisimple Lie algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 164 (1-2) (2001), 87–107 (Effective methods in algebraic geometry (Bath, 2000)).
- Detinko, A., Flannery, D. L., and Hulpke, A., Zariski density and computing in arithmetic groups, Math. Comp., 87 (310) (2018), 967–986.
- Distler, A. and Kelsey, T., The semigroups of order 9 and their automorphism groups, Semigroup Forum, 88 (1) (2014), 93–112.
- East, J., Egri-Nagy, A., & Mitchell, J. D., Enumerating transformation semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 95(1) (2017), 109-125.
- East, J., Egri-Nagy, A., Mitchell, J. D., and Péresse, Y. Computing finite semigroups. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 92 (2019), 110-155.
- Hoffmann, R., Linton, S., Regular languages of plus- and minus-(in)decomposable permutations, Pure Mathematics and Applications, 24 (2013) pp 143 — 150.
- Holt, D., Linton, S., Neunhoeffer, M., Parker, R., Pfeiffer, M., & Roney-Dougal, C. M., Polynomial-time proofs that groups are hyperbolic. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 104 (2021), 419-475.
- Hulpke, A., Conjugacy classes in finite permutation groups via homomorphic images, Math. Comp., 69 (232) (2000), 1633–1651.
- C. Jefferson, E. Jonauskyte, M. Pfeiffer and R. Waldecker. Minimal and canonical images. Journal of Algebra, vol. 521, 1 March 2019, pp. 481-506.
- C. Jefferson, M. Pfeiffer and R. Waldecker. New refiners for permutation group search. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 92, 2019, pp. 70-92.
- Jonušas, J., Mitchell, J. D., and Pfeiffer, M., Two variants of the Froidure-Pin algorithm for finite semigroups, Port. Math., 74 (3) (2017), 173–200.
- HPC-GAP project, Parallel programming support in GAP. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra. ACM, Vol. 46 (2012), p. 162-163.
- A. Konovalov, A. Smoktunowicz and L. Vendramin. On skew braces and their ideals. Experimental Mathematics, 2018.
- Linton, S., GAP – Groups, Algorithms, Programming, ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 41 (3) (2007), 108–109 (Issue 161).
- Linton, S. A., Pfeiffer, G., Robertson, E. F., and Ruškuc, N., Computing transformation semigroups, J. Symbolic Comput., 33 (2) (2002), 145–162.
- Linton, S., Hammond, K., Konovalov, A., Brown, C., Trinder, P. W., Loidl, H. -., Horn, P., and Roozemond, D., Easy composition of symbolic computation software using SCSCP: a new lingua franca for symbolic computation, J. Symbolic Comput., 49 (2013), 95–119.
- Roney-Dougal, C. M., The primitive permutation groups of degree less than 2500, J. Algebra, 292 (1) (2005), 154–183.
- Roney-Dougal, C. M. and Unger, W. R., The affine primitive permutation groups of degree less than 1000, J. Symbolic Comput., 35 (4) (2003), 421–439.
Conference proceedings
- Al Zain, A. D., Trinder, P. W., Hammond, K., Konovalov, A., Linton, S. & Berthold, J., Parallelism without Pain: Orchestrating Computational Algebra Components into a High-Performance Parallel System. 2008, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING WITH APPLICATIONS. LOS ALAMITOS: IEEE COMPUTER SOC, p. 99-112 14 p.
- Araújo, I. M. and Solomon, A., Computing with semigroups in GAP—a tutorial, in Semigroups (Braga, 1999), World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ (2000), 1–18.
- Behrends, R., Konovalov, A., Linton, S., Lübeck, F. & Neunhöffer, M., Parallelising the computational algebra system GAP. 2010, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation (PASCO ’10). New York, NY: ACM, p. 177-178
- Behrends, R., Konovalov, A., Linton, S., Lübeck, F. & Neunhöffer, M., Towards high-performance computational algebra with GAP. 2010, Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Mathematical Software: Kobe, Japan, September 13-17, 2010. Fukada, K., van der Hoeven, J., Joswig, M. & Takayama, N. (eds.). Springer, p. 58-61 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 6327).
- Dehaye, P-O., Iancu, M., Kohlhase, M., Konovalov, A., Lelièvre, S., Müller, D., Pfeiffer, M., Rabe, F., Thiéry, N. M. & Wiesling, T., Interoperability in the OpenDreamKit project: the Math-in-the-Middle approach. 2016, Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 9th International Conference, CICM 2016, Bialystok, Poland, July 25-29, 2016, Proceedings. Kohlhase, M., Johansson, M., Miller, B., de Moura, L. & Tompa, F. (eds.). Cham: Springer, p. 117-131 15 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 9791).
- Johnson, N., Konovalov, A., Janjic, V. and Linton, S., UPCGAP: A UPC package for the GAP system. 7th International Conference on PGAS Programming Models, 2013, p. 217-221.
- Kohlhase, M., De Feo, L., Müller, D., Pfeiffer, M. J., Rabe, F., Thiéry, N., Vasilyev, V., & Wiesing, T. (2017). Knowledge-based interoperability for mathematical software systems. In J. Blömer, I. Kotsireas, T. Kutsia, & D. E. Simos (Eds.), Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences: 7th International Conference, MACIS 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 15-17, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 195-210). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues); Vol. 10693). Springer.
- Komendantsky, V., Konovalov, A. and Linton, S.,View of Computer Algebra Data from Coq. 2011,18th Symposium, Calculemus 2011, and 10th International Conference, MKM 2011, p. 74-89.
- Komendantsky, V., Konovalov, A. and Linton, S., Interfacing Coq + SSReflect with GAP. 2012, User Interfaces for Theorem Provers 2010 (UITP’10), p. 17-28.
- Konovalov, A., Linton, S., Parallel computations in modular group algebras, 2010, PASCO 10 : Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation, International Workshop 21-23 July 2010, Grenoble, France. New York: ACM, p. 141-149
- Linton, S., Finding the smallest image of a set. Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC ’04, ACM, New York, NY, USA (2004), pp. 229-234
- Linton, S., Hammond, K., Konovalov, A., Al Zain, A. D., Trinder, P., Horn, P. & Roozemond, D., Easy composition of symbolic computation software: a new lingua franca for symbolic computation. 2010, Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. ACM, p. 339-346 8 p. (ISSAC ’10).
- Martins, M. M., & Pfeiffer, M. J. (2018). Francy – an interactive discrete mathematics framework for GAP. In J. H. Davenport, M. Kauers, G. Labahn, & J. Urban (Eds.), Mathematical Software – ICMS 2018: 6th International Conference, South Bend, IN, USA, July 24-27, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 352-358). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues); Vol. 10931). Springer.
- de Graaf, W. A., Lie algebras: theory and algorithms, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 56 (2000), xii+393 pages.
PhD theses
- Araújo, I. M., Presentations for semigroup constructions and related computational methods, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2000).
- Assmann, B., Applications of Lie methods to computations with polycyclic groups, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2007).
- Coutts, H., Topics in Computational Group Theory: Primitive permutation groups and matrix group normalisers, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2010).
- Cutting, A., Todd-Coxeter methods for inverse monoids, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2001).
- Distler, A., Classification and enumeration of finite semigroups. Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2010).
- Hoffmann, R., On dots in boxes, or Permutation pattern classes and regular languages, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2015).
- Torpey, M., Semigroup congruences : computational techniques and theoretical applications. Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2019).
- Wilson, W., Computational techniques in finite semigroup theory. Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (2019).
Other publications
- Freundt, S., Horn, P., Konovalov, A., Linton, S. A. & Roozemond, D., Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol (SCSCP) specification, Version 1.3, 2009, 26 p.
- Konovalov, A., Torpey, M., Jefferson, C. et al. Programming with GAP (Software Carpentry-style lesson). Version v3.0, August 2019. Zenodo.
Before 2000:
- de Graaf, W. A., Using Cartan subalgebras to calculate nilradicals and Levi subalgebras of Lie algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 139 (1-3) (1999), 25–39 (Effective methods in algebraic geometry (Saint-Malo, 1998)).
- de Graaf, W. A. and Wisliceny, J., Constructing bases of finitely presented Lie algebras using Gröbner bases in free algebras, in Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Vancouver, BC), ACM, New York (1999), 37–43.
- Hulpke, A., Computing subgroups invariant under a set of automorphisms, J. Symbolic Comput., 27 (4) (1999), 415–427.
- Linton, S. A., Pfeiffer, G., Robertson, E. F., and Ruškuc, N., Groups and actions in transformation semigroups, Math. Z., 228 (3) (1998), 435–450.
- Wegner, A., The construction of finite soluble factor groups of finitely presented groups and its application, Ph.D. thesis, University of St Andrews (1992).